I'm now tired and grumpy and ready for bed after a long day, but I just had to force my eyes to remain open just ten more minutes so I could ponder some of the things that have been happening recently. It seems to be a common theme among myself and my friends (we're a bunch of 20 somethings) to wonder what is wrong with us and why we aren't happy. We stress and worry and think we're stupid, fat, ugly, our teeth aren't white enough, our skin is the wrong tone and on and on it goes. The truth is, and I don't mean to sound arrogant, we're all quite attractive intelligent, interesting people, but for some reason we can't see that in ourselves. I do really believe that the imagery presented to us in modern media is doing a lot of harm. I came to this conclusion after spending half an hour in the supermarket looking at teeth whitening products so I could 'fix' my already okay teeth. Problem is okay isn't okay anymore, okay isn't gonna get me a man, a career and okay people just aren't fun and exciting! at least that's what I'm lead to believe by the multitudes of fun and boppy people on TV. Well, I will go on living my imperfect life, nothing wrong with being content...